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The TOEFL ITP® tests measure core English-language skills using 100 percent academic content similar to what is used in actual classroom tasks. Proposed uses of the TOEFL ITP tests are:

Placement in intensive English-language programs requiring academic English proficiency at a college or graduate level.

Progress monitoring in English-language programs stressing academic English proficiency.

Exiting English-language programs by demonstrating proficiency in English listening and reading.

Admissions to short-term, non-degree programs in English-speaking countrieswhere the sending and receiving institutions agree to use TOEFL ITP scores.

Admissions to undergraduate and graduate degree programs in non-English speaking countries where English is not the dominant form of instruction.

Admissions and placement in collaborative international degree programs where English-language training will be a feature of the program.

Scholarship programs, as contributing documentation for academic English proficiency.

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